YAMASHITA'S / WW2 TREASURE > Treasure Marks, Signs and Symbols of the Yamashita Treasure

Solid Site

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Hey Everyone.

What do you think of these marking.

Found just inside the mouth of a small cave system.

Owners Father, Saw two japanese soldiers carrying a couple of small boxes inside this cave an the boxes never came back out.

when I look at the marking, and i look at the cave, it almost resembles the cave system itself. but what do you guys think? Is this some kanji character? the two dots i'm guessing are two deposits, which connects well with the owners father mentioning two boxes.

Thanks for reading

Just to be clear, it's two pics of the same marking, and two drawings of the same marking, just wanted it to be extra clear for everyone, since the mark is very faded already

That sign is giving an instruction where those loads are. 6 loads total but be carefull not to dig to the deep load with dangerous gas leak you might encounter. A shallow load is around 10 to 15 meters away. The direction? i dont know. You have to figure it out.

Those 2 dots are load representation and alignment. That sign is simple but it gaves you a clue of the deaign engineering used in there. The two boxes carried by japs are maybe the last loads hidden somewhere but still with alignment and measurement.

If you think the lines represent the cave system, then try going to the part of the cave where the dots are located. Kinda assuming that it is a map. If it is then there should be a concealed entrance that should lead to the dots(targets). Just an idea. Clean the floor by the walls. Based on a past experience, there was a small cave (25 to 30sqm) that had a big flattish rock around 80cm diameter covering a vertical tunnel that lead to a horizontal tunnel. So if ever you hit a dead end on that system, have a good look on the floor beside the walls.


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