Go to a local store and get some acid drain cleaner, very common there. Either nitric or hydrochloric acid type. Put some in a glass jar or container and add equal amount of water, put in the object. Wait. If the object turns a bright pink, it is brass, if it turns a golden yellow, it is valuable. Check the colors after removing the object and washing in running fresh water. Brass alloy is a mixture of copper and zinc, the zinc is fine particles in the copper. The acid will only penetrate the surface and will dissolve out the zinc leaving only pure copper in the surface. Copper is pink, zinc is silvery white. So the pure copper surface turns pink. If you leave it out in the air, the copper will react with oxygen in the air and turn a dark brown color, copper oxide (there are several forms of copper oxide, one is black, copper hydroxide, picking up water from the air or what ever, is green).