THIS IS AN INFORMATION and this information has its FREQUENCY know just like a raido .....wheather you are tune in or not up to you tune and position the radio betteer you will have more clear sound coming out of emmitor so you will enjoy music or talk show better you dont and you will have that anoing noise that is fammiliar to al of you because you all know what is radio frequency .......So this information below is simply information but it is having its own frequency so you are tune or not no middle way .Read it absorb it dont agree or dissagre but just let it be somewhere there neutral all know what is Sun and its benefit but also its dangerouse part so SUN GAZING is a beneficial practice with RIGHT TIMING !
It has to be practice at exact time no before or after ! Here there is no space for mistake or laizyness or non discipline ......its pure RIGHT TIMING ! Practic is called in other words called YOGA which I am not really fan of but with SUN GAZING all I have to do is to be on RIGHT TIME and look in to the sun streching or sweting not much Philosophy in there just charging your own solar batteries true your eyes ......yes it is possible !
We humans are ameizing organic beans connected with univers so yes then let us please use this connection .
Is pure .......I have doen it not complite partialy but will do it soon again ....I felt blest . Why do I bring SUN GAZING in to Treasure Hunting is because I see connection between TREASURE HUNTER-SUN and GOLD. Sun and gold where all ways worshipt in all of the human civilasations .Sims human are attractive to gold .I belive charging our solar batteries inside of us could some how resonate with gold and sun .I am still in the bigining face of this expiriment and could have a use of opinions of minde like Hunters that are open for this kinde of information .Please if you have nothig to contribute then as well you can stay out of topic and finde one you resonate with so I am respectifuull to all of you too .....thank you .
Here just an intraduction in SUN GAZING borowed from net and then I will continue down after words with little extra traying to think loud
is our benevolent and very powerful friend that gives life and light to all beings on Earth.
One of his functions are photosynthesis, which helps plants grow, which in turn keeps us and our animal kingdom alive.
We receive vitamin D, warmth and solar energy for power in many of our electronic utilities.
The sun is one of the most magnificent, abundant sources of natural energy for our life here.
In the Vedic system there is a daily routine, called Sun Gazing that devoted students of any age can practice (with caution). The practice of sun gazing has some truly amazing benefits, not only for the physical health, but also for mental and spiritual development.
Some of the benefits of sun gazing include:
Increased energy
Boosts production of the feel good hormones serotonin and melatonin
Improved eyesight
Reduces hunger pains –body is completely nourished by the sun
Stimulation and growth of the Pineal gland
Release of internal emotional blocks
Increase personal potential
Okay while the practice again is very simple there is CAUTION:
1) Practice only during the first hour of the sunrise, or the last hour before the sun sets.
The specific steps are listed further down in this article but let’s get into a little bit of research and study.
The Man Who Brought Sun Gazing to the West///Hira Ratan Manek/// gave this practice the name and brought it to our Western world. He is more commonly known as HRM and is the founder of the Solar Healing center. He is famous for his ability to live off of solar energy and water. That is it. Sometimes he claims to have tea, coffee or buttermilk for social purposes however states in his own words that the sun can be used to heal the mind, body and spirit and claims that as a result of sun gazing we can have better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. HRM has gone through three strict long term fasts and during those he was under the supervision and observation of various medical and scientific teams to provide statistical evidence of the benefits to this practice.
The first fast went for 211 days in 1995 and 1996 in India. Dr. C.K. Ramachandran, a medical expert on Ayurvedic medicine, directed the study.
The second fast went for an impressive 411 days, right after the last one. That is an astounding time to go with no food at all.
The same study was also directed by an international team of 21 doctors and scientists; lead by Dr. Sudhir Shah in India.
The last and third observed fast went for 130 days, which took place in the United States at Thomas Jefferson University and the University of Philadelphia.
The Studies
A scientist by the name of Vinny Pinto conducted a survey on 56 participants and outlined their experiences in what he called “The First Sungazing List Group Sungazers Survey.” His major findings from the study were:
Health improvements especially among women
People who practiced sun gazing for more than five years and who gazed mid-day (instead of the insisted hour after sunrise and hour before sunset) were more likely to report adverse effects.
35 out of the 51 participants reported to have “increased or greatly increased energy” while only 1 participant reported reduced energy
The number of people who reported a “decreased need for solid food” was approximately equal to the number of people who reported “no significant change in the need for food.” Only 1 person in the study reported an increased need for food.
People who had sun gazed for at least a year for at least 4 times per week were far more likely to report a decreased need for solid food.
The most common physical/mental/spiritual experiences reported from sun gazing were bliss, joy, peace and calmness.
No one from the study reported a decrease in physical health, everyone reported that his or her health was the same or had improved.
While there are many methods The HRM method is safe and popular:
If you are going to modify this method please do your research and DO NOT !!!! attempt to stare at the sun during the times with UV radiation present, and also do not stare at the sun for longer than the recommended times.
You can adjust this method with how often you practice it and for your intentions behind it, but aside from that you should try to aim to stick to the general guidelines so that you don’t injure your eyesight or cause permanent retinal damage, this is VERY SERIOUS !!!!
After all ones you know better and you still modify your way worst that can happend is you will be BLIND for the rest of your life will live but you want see any more .
The Practice
It is an important part of the practice that you stand barefoot on bare earth.
This helps to keep you grounded and enhances the benefits of sun gazing.
As you are staring at the sun visualize the energy from the sun coming into your body and filling your body and cells with rejuvenating light.
Here is the method that HRM recommends:
Day 1
Begin by spending a maximum of 10 seconds on the first day by looking directly at the sun during the safe hours.
Continue this daily until you have reached 44 minutes. This should take between 9-10 months depending on the weather.
DAY 2 – DAY 10+On the second day aim for 20 seconds, each day after that continue adding 10 seconds to the previous day. So at 10 days you will be looking at the sun for 100 seconds, or 1 minute and 40 seconds.
According to HRM this is all you need to gain the benefits described above from sun gazing.
After this you will need to walk for 45 minutes each day for the 6 days following the completion of the 9-10 months of sun gazing.
From there on out, make a conscious effort to continue to walk barefoot on the earth, preferably in the sun whenever you feel like it or get the time.
During this time it is important to stay centered and see what comes up for you.
It is also a good idea to keep a journal to track your progress and keeping note of how you are physically and mentally feeling.
There are many resources for sun gazing on the internet for the spiritual effects of sun-gazing as well the physical benefits. You might consider watching this documentary called “Eat The Sun.” This documentary follows a man’s journey through the HRM practice of sun gazing.
The best part about the whole journey (should you choose to embark upon it) is that you are making sure you are spending time doing something energizing every day and in nature. This is a highly effective habit builder as well and can transform your health and well being in a very short amount of time!
There you have it Yogis…
They both speak directly to an individual’s personal well being, health and practice goals utilising Ayurveda and Yoga as the frameworks.
One of the programs are accredited and the other is for strictly to develop and ADVANCE in health & energy.
So again where do I see connection doing SUN GAZING with Treasure Hunting . I think no matter how much JIA trayed to covered gold under the ground with what ever products or layers gold is alive and it has its own frequency and vibration ......after all MDetectors work on a similar idea ....I am no shure I dont know much ......Then I read here on forum this story about those Japanies that y offered to scan a site of that Philipino man buy using infra red satelite tehnol. Wow this just confirmed to me that some how I am on the good path .They explained to that man that Beried gold still is able to absorbes sun light some how and become more hoter so that after sunset as earth is cooling quiker gold will stay longer worm so using simple infra red techn. it could be visible a specialy those enormous treasures .
I some how think that we humans can use Sun Gazing to charge our bodies with sun energie like a solar system and then via perhapse L rods dowsing be able to connect much easier with gold under the ground .Dowsing is best recomended I guess in the middle of the day not when is too hot not when is to moisty .......So lets say mornig Sun Gazing and evning sun gazing and then just imidiatly after traying with Dowsing ........Too I tought of bringing a karaoke speaker and then perhapse while Sun Gazing emiting Gold frequency that will not be of bigg disturbance for souronding just loud enif traveling true jungle so all combined together could be an ritual based on Frequencies of gold emited in order to communicate with a possible gold beried under the ground ....just like a call that birds do singing one to a nother .......only here we would emmit gold frequency tru out a speaker we will be charged with sun enrgie gold will be charged with sun energie and we will use lets say Apollo Golden Rods ......
Sounds freaky awesome to me .Off corse hopping we will not awake and attract those dark entities or so called soul gardians .......even if we would I wonder how they will react to such powerfuul ritual .We as humans are charged with pure most purify lively energie means our health state will be maximum high at that moment so it size the possibility for bad spirits to harm us and sound of gold frequency will be unstopabble gold will not ask for permmision to communicate with its own frequency ??
I am traying to construct un invisibble connection between a individual being abble to use invisibble sheelds and uncover the berried gold palce more shure then ever ........I have read that those gardians are able to do some preaty nasty thinks but some how I belive in contrary .
Sun Gazing will have inpact on negativity with in the tought form inside of us at the same time when we neede the most ......couse greed is powerfuul .
I give no much to word guru and never had one because I am extremly not easy to be under the influence of some one or something un less it is someone that I resonate with my good old friend IO told me ones tha if I wanted to protect my self from negative tought or any out side harm I should immagine a form of church bell lets say or cupole in form of GOLD POWDER faling from above right up my head all around me in a form of bell prottecting me from out side negativity will be my shiled where I can be safe .......he is an true master of invisible world !..........50 years beasy with invisibble world,entities,alians,and all kinde of invisible forms to human eye .......
if I can summer you see we have here an non visible ingredience for an formula that might beat Japanis .......
shield TO PROTECT us from extreem energie
SUN GAZING What evernegative power sorce that can
as sorce of ultimate trayes to attack us power up enything
health super universal food
that clear our minde
and body as we needed
the most in Hunt
emited via speker amplifiyed .
How do people sun gaze?
People who practice sun gazing look directly at the sun during specific hours of the day — often during sunrise and sunset — as a way to harness solar energy and power to benefit their well-being.
It is done by standing outside, preferably barefooted and without wearing eyeglasses, contact lenses or sunglasses, and making direct eye contact with the sun.
New practitioners begin by looking at the sun for only 10 seconds in their first session. They increase this by 10 seconds each day until they have reached an optimal time limit. Some say that 10 to 15 minutes is a suitable duration, while others note that they like to soak in up to 45 minutes of gazing time during each session.
For generations, sun gazing has been thought to enrich the soul and provide nourishment to physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. However, there are several major risks associated with the concept that should be taken into serious consideration.
How to practice sun gazing safely (according to practitioners)
Before you embark on sun gazing, keep in mind that there is no scientific evidence that it is safe to do, regardless of what you may hear from spiritual health enthusiasts.
To get the full spiritual benefit, sun gazers encourage direct eye contact with the sun. This means standing outside and looking at the sun without wearing eyeglasses, contact lenses or sunglasses. Looking through a window is also advised against by these gazers.
Begin your practice slowly and stop immediately if you are feeling pain of any kind. Sun gazing with eyes closed periodically may be helpful to beginners.
Look into the sun only during sunrise or sunset while the UV index is lower. Sun gazing in the middle of the day can cause major retinal damage.
Relax and blink your eyes as much as you need to.
Do all of this while you are barefoot on the ground outside to connect more deeply with the earth.
Again, if you are going to practice sun gazing, do so at your own risk. Whether it’s early in the day, at dusk, or even cloudy, lower UV indexes do not guarantee your safety from sun exposure.
Unproven benefits of sun gazing
Sun gazing is about connecting to the power of the sun and absorbing the energy it gives off. Some find the practice to be beneficial for their health in the following ways:
May increase levels of serotonin and melatonin
May increase energy levels for emotional, mental, physical or spiritual health
Can help a gazer connect with themselves and feel more inner strength
May reduce stress
These sun gazing benefits may not be the same for everyone. Specifically, sun gazing spiritual benefits can also differ from person to person. Spiritual benefits may include connecting with a higher power and attracting more positive energy.
If you do not achieve your personal goals from sun gazing, you may feel tempted to keep trying. However, this is not medically advised. It can be extremely dangerous for your eyes.
Does sun exposure alone improve vision and health?
Sun exposure, in general, can provide some health benefits — as long as the eyes (and the skin) are protected.
Getting sunlight every day can be a good source of vitamin D, a supplement that helps the body absorb calcium.
The body’s natural sleep-wake cycle is regulated by sunlight. When you see light outside, it notifies your brain that it is time to be awake, and when the sun goes down, your eyes send a similar message that it is time to rest and go to sleep.
Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight and spending time outdoors may also help reduce myopia (nearsightedness) in children.
Unlike the claimed benefits of sun gazing, you don’t need to look directly at the sun to achieve these gains; just being outside allows the body to absorb the sun’s rays. Just remember to wear proper eye protection and sunscreen and to stay hydrated while you’re outside.
Dangers of sun gazing and sun exposure
The dangers outweigh the benefits when it comes to sun gazing. Numerous eye conditions can develop due to sun exposure, whether it is brief or prolonged. This includes conditions such as:
Sunburned cornea (photokeratitis)
Retina burn (solar retinopathy)
Macular degeneration
Pinguecula and pterygium – growths on the sclera (white part of the eye)
Sun exposure can also increase your risk of developing eye cancer. Some of these conditions may be treatable, but if you don’t receive proper care in a timely manner, your eyes may be permanently damaged.
SEE RELATED: Solar eclipse and your eyes: How to view an eclipse safely
Preserving your vision health
With such significant threats to your vision possible, eye health experts recommend protecting your eyes from the sun as opposed to gazing straight into it. Protecting your vision is simple and can be done in the following ways:
Wear eye protection. Experts suggest sunglasses with 100% UV protection to block the sun’s harmful rays.
In addition to sunglasses, wearing a wide-brimmed hat or sun hat can provide shade to the eyes.
Get your eyes examined regularly to check for any changes to your vision or eye health.
The choice to sun gaze is yours, but it should be done cautiously and at your own peril. If you experience pain or changes to your vision after looking directly into the sun, contact your eye doctor immediately to have your eyes examined.
The sun carries so much positive energy and sungazing is an ancient spiritual ritual!
Sungazing is a safe ritual to do during the first 30-45mins after sunrise (or before sunset!)
Other than providing you with Vitamin D, the benefits of gazing into the soft sunlight are manifold:
It helps improve energy and immune function.
It stimulates healthy brain function.
It helps the regulation of your entire internal body clock – helping optimal sleep at night.
It helps with body weight through the effects it has on metabolic and thyroid functions.
It is the best mood booster and emotional balancer.
Start just with a few seconds of sungazing and get your eyes used to it (remove any eyewear first!). You will also get the benefits with your eyes closed, by the way, if that feels more comfortable!
Once you have had enough, cup your eyes or close your eyes for a short period.
It is normal to see things blurred for a while. Please be sure never to practice this ritual in the middle of the day – this can damage your eyes badly!
Enjoy being empowered by the sun and feeling the connection with the majestic light!