Many years ago on the island of Negros we made a contract agreement with a land owner to recover from his site using a legitimate Japanese map. The Japs that provided the map traded it to the land owner for the right to recover from another sight on the same land.
In my absence I had a friend dig on the site according to the map and according to my specific instructions. For some reason I was guided to have the dig directly below a Heart marker rather that follow the map's twisting directions for the original directions guided the path past a Buddha with a bomb under it. So taking the direct path to the boxes would bypass the Buddha, who cares about one Buddha, direct to the boxes.
Well this friend of mine kept reporting the finding of material code markers but missed the mark. I repeatedly asked, did he dig under the heart and follow my turn and twist instructions. Finally he admitted he did not after first saying he did. I asked why he disregarded my specific instructions ?? His answer was he went to the adjacent town and found a "old woman" who was a witchdoctor and she came to the site and told him I was sending him digging in the wrong direction and that SHE knew the direct path. Her direct path went to bedrock and nowhere but water and a lot of lost time and money.
After a lot of money and time, several months, I pulled the plug on the project because I was not there and I knew in my bones this witchdoctor had specifically sent the diggers in the wrong direction.
I have used in the past (less than 2 years ago) an Old Man. He was very humble, was very specific about avoiding evil or bad spirits. He never asked for anything but some food for his tribe. He was very poor and so was or is his family. A nice honest old guy.
Then there was an evil Manobo Witch Doctor on Mindanao that poisoned the tribal chief. When I found out about the killing and the other evil deeds he had done, I explained to the Council of Elders what had happened. The Counsel of Elders captured him, interrogated him Manobo style to which he confessed. However Manobo interrogation is by stabbing the man with a spear
and then asking questions. In this case they used the dead Chief's spear and by the time we were able to intercede the old Witch Doctor was so full of holes he bleed to death. Later the tribe transferred the Chief's spear to me in what they called the ceremony of the spear. They claim the spirit of the spear and tribe was transferred to me. That is how I would up with a Chief's spear. That was about 10 years ago.
Odd how things go around.
In the Philippines, there is many religions and many groups who believe in a god, and for the sake of the capital G God, Islam does not believe in the Trinity and there for there is no Father God and no God. So if one is a Muslim and has this gift is it from God or god or from what ? Of the three very accurate " old men " who have the ability to locate and find items and people and YES I have used them and they have been successful for me, none of the three are believers in The Trinity, of Father God or The Lord God, of the Trinity. So where does this ability come from?? From who is it a gift or given ability? One of the three specifically says his ability is given to him by a bad spirit that he follows. So is this ability a gift or what ? This one is a Manobo Witch Doctor from Bukidon or I should say WAS in as much as the tribal elders killed him with a spear in 2001 because he was using his gift to cause harm and threats against tribal members for his own power.
That is definitely a witchcraft, and it is not a gift for he who have received it has already sold his soul to the dark side. I call that in-exchange or pawn or sacrifice. A gift is a God given ability without anything to exchange with it for it has already been paid more than a thousand fold, just be steadfast with the faith and have it bear fruits. Along with the gift is also a given wisdom to know the difference, and to keep the mouth shut for the time has not yet come for the glory it has to reveal. It is a gift if you never have to harm or sacrifice anyone just to increase its power. In a gift, the prayers it uses always ask for the blessing of the Holy One, the Ancient of Days, never on other unknown deity.
A gift is something you have within, with inner peace, you know it, have the wisdom to differentiate it with the other side but could not explain its wholeness in words.
BTW, anyone using a witch (known or unknown to him) is also committing abomination, just like King Saul who seek the assistance of the old witch so to talk with the spirit of prophet Samuel.
In short, it is a gift if you do not use it to mislead anyone, pretend in life, commit transgression or harm anyone by using it. Remember that the devil stays happy and strong where there is havoc, conflict or trouble within the midst of the said "power" .
And lastly, I know why that Manobo used that power to harm or threat his tribes mate, he has to, in order to increase the power he was possessing, he needs to "sacrifice farther" (harm or kill or make someone be sick so that the strength of that someone will multiply 5x when it has been transferred to him). I bet that he was also making dance-like rituals during the midnight of full moon. If within two full moons that he has not "harmed" anyone, those previous sickness he caused will bounce back unto him and his strength will be sapped. So with no other recourse, he has to do the same "sick cycle" again and again. Beware of those.
In our place, those kinds are called "dark chanter" and the they are led by "walker / dark archons".
Those of the light will have the feeling and wisdom, and will knew when an evil entity is lurking around. The "Gift" can bind them down thru a "Someone" and cast them inside the fire of a volcano to stay there until the time of the sound of the 5th trumpet calling (Revelation 9:1).