I just had a go signal on this matter.
September 20: Went to Pulong Diablo, P____, Isabela as a special observer only upon urgent request. A Canadian was using an OKM exp4000 and it reads 5 meters deep, a "ref" and "cylinders" (drums?) was on the spot. They have been digging on that particular spot since the first week of September. We were not to interfere in any case until they ask us. We also found a group of spirit roaming around which was disturbing the diggers.
September 22, they were about 2 feet away on top of the target depth and they finally asked me to look on the matter. I "look" and then went to lunch, after lunch, the reading changed. There was no longer any ref or drum on the monitor despite of the previous print out. They were blaming each one, including me, so I talked with them then a digger suddenly got highwired. He was possessed, he march around and around and he told us later that the items were not to be given yet, not that time and not with the politicians around. Casted out the spirit since it was evident that the body was having difficulty while possessed. Despite that, they continued the dig and at more than 5 meters deep, they found the "ref" which was a natural corral stone (Gasangan in ilocano), no "drums" nearby. Tried again the hightech scanner and then another scanner. That "talking scanner" was made off-limit to us. No target object on the monitor.
There, hightech equipment is no guarantee that the reading is correct as it looks.
September 23, rode on a boat and left the island. Went to my station, prepared the reports and went home.