Author Topic: The Science of Stream Deposition  (Read 19294 times)

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The Science of Stream Deposition
« on: November 10, 2010, 10:29:39 PM »
to all members, i'll share this bits of info as a starter

This is an extract from a book written by Matt Thornton. It is really informative and covers just about everything you could think of about reading a stream.

Perhaps the trickiest theories yet to confront the beginning gold-dredger are those that relate to placer geology, also known as "the science of stream deposition." Placer geology concerns the varying conditions which cause gold and other heavy materials to be deposited in a streamflow environment. Without a doubt, the best way to learn the ins and outs of gold deposition is to place yourself at the feet of a genuine "old-timer", but unfortunately not too many of us have access to such a person; we will therefore have to study the facts relating to placer geology from books. The many types of currents, eddies, and backwashes that cause gold to be deposited in streams may seem a bit mysterious at first, but with a bit of study they will become quite clear. In fact, you'll even find yourself taking a much closer look at that river or creek you cross over every day on your way to work.

There are four principal types of placer gold deposits that will be of interest to the underwater, or for that matter, any other prospector-these are residual, eluvial, stream, and bench placers. Before we actually get into the geology of river-borne gold deposits, let's take a look at how gold finds its way into a river system. We shall start at the outcropping of a hypothetical gold vein on the wall of a river canyon and work our way downwards untill we finally come to the watercourse; this process will be explained through definitions of residual and eluvial placer deposits.

The first type of placer gold deposit will occur at the surface of the ground where a gold vein crops out. This type of placer is called a risidual deposit and is formed when the original host rock (usually quartz) erodes away, leaving pure metallic gold in place at the point of the outcrop. Gold-bearing veins located in a moist climate with heavy rainfall (southern Oregon would be an outstanding example) will erode away very quickly once being exposed to the action of the surface elements, and the resulting residual placers will often extend to tens of feet in depth due to extremely deep weathering of the original vein. Such deposits were referred to as "seam diggin's" during the old days.

The next type of placer deposit is called an eluvial placer, and is formed after gold has traveled downward as little as a few feet from the point of its residual outcrop. (The opposite of eluvial is alluvial, which signifies gold that has been carried many miles from its original source.) A good example of an eluvial placer deposit would be gold that originally cropped out at the rim of 1,000-foot-deep river canyon and has been carried by the forces of gravity and running water five hundred feet downward, with five hundred feet still remaining before it actually enters the streamflow at the bottom.

The next two types of placer deposits - bench and stream - are interrelated, and we will first discuss the deposit that will occur next along the line - this is a stream placer. Stream placers will be of greatest interest to the individual interested in gold-dredging, as this type of placer occurs at, near, or else under the surface of a river. There are many different types of stream placers, ranging from gravel bars just barely above the surface of the water to deeply buried bedrock deposits at the bottom of the river which generally hold more gold than the rest of the river envirnment.

A bench placer is nothing more than a stream placer that has been left high and dry by the stream that originally created it. Bench placers are created when a large land area, usually consisting of thousands of square mils, is "rejuvenated" over a period of hundreds of thousands of years and uplifted due to pressures from the earth's interior. If the land is uplifted enough, any streams in the area will start to cut downward until they reach their new "base level," which will be that of sea level. As a river cuts downward over a long period of time, the bed it originally occupied before the uplift will be left stranded above the new stream level. Bench placers (also known as "terrace" deposits) are often very rich in gold, only these gravels are out of reach as far as the gold-dredger is concerned. (See Figure 17, which illustrates the "basic four" placer deposits.)

The factors governing the occurance of placer gold in a river environment are many, and quite often complex. There are so many variables involved in the science of placer geology it would be virtually impossible to mention all of them, but basically, the deposition of heavy materials in a stream is based upon the speed and volume of water flow coupled with the shape and slope of the river channel. Throw in obstructions such as large boulders, bedrock outcroppings, etc., and you have a whole new ball game.

Gold is transported in a stream principally during periods of high water, such as during the yearly spring runoff. Because gold is heavy and tends to settle in cracks and crevices at the bottom of a river, the speed of a runoff current has to be very great in order for transportation to occur. An ideal situation for heavy flooding and runoff would be as follows....

The mountains in the high country where "River X" is born are covered with one to two feet of snow, and a warm, rain-bearing storm moves in. Heavy rain starts to fall - one inch, two inches, five, ten - and in a matter of hours River X starts to rise from its banks with extreme rapidity. But River X is not merely rising from the heavy rains - the warm rains, as they fall on the shallow snowpack, turn that snow into water which also goes into the river. (It is a known fact that heavy rains falling on a shallow snowpack will melt it rapidly, whereas a deeper layer of snow will often absorb large amounts of rainfall.)

It has been 12 hours since the storm front moved in, and River X is raging like the mighty Mississippi during one of her frequent fits of rage. If you could observe Rive X at this time, you could study firsthand the conditions that lead to the deposition of placer gold. You would see a river that is flowing a filthy, muddy brown from tons of suspended silt. You would see branches, twigs, and even entire trees floating downstream with the swift current. If you dared to stick your head under the surface, you would see huge boulders bouncing along the bottom of the river as if they were mere pebbles. But if you knew what to look for, you would notice other things as well. For example, in the midst of the mighty turbulence you might see areas where the swift current gives way to quiet pools. Perhaps you would see large sections of bedrock projecting into the turbulence that cause the current to swirl around in an "eddy" motion. Or what about that large boulder out in the middle of the stream - is it your imagination, or is the current really "standing still" on its downstream side?

"River X," as I'm sure you realize, is hypothetical, yet the three streamflow characteristics just mentioned are real and may be encountered in any river or creek. These three conditions are variations of the two basic principals of placer geology: (1) Gold and other heavy materials will settle wherever a stream current slows and drops its load, or (2) wherever heavy materials encounter an obstruction which causes them to "hang up."

One of the big factors affecting the speed of a stream current - and thereby the deposition of gold - is the degree of slope of the stream's channel. THe slope of a stream channel (known commonly as "gradient") may range from extremely steep to almost flat. In general, the closer you are to the headwaters of a stream the steeper the gradient will be. A steeply sloping channel with cause a river to flow very swiflty, usually gold to be carried along with little deposition. There are exceptions, of course. If there are major obstructions on the bottom of a stream channel, gold will be trapped no matter how steep the gradient (or swift the current.)

As a stream leaves its headwaters and approaches its middle range, the gradient of the channel will decrease. As the slope of a stream channels decreases the current will run considerably slower, creating conditions more favorable for the deposition of heavy materials. The slope of the channel in the headwater area may have been as great as a couple of hundred feet per mile, but it will now average around thirty or forty feet per mile. The former figure seems to be the ideal gradient for the deposition of placer gold.

The speed of the current and gradient of the stream channelalso have a great deal to do with the amount of unwanted overburden that will be deposited in a river. There are variables, but for the most part a steep gradient (coupled with a swift current such as that found near the headwaters) will result in the deposition of relatively little overburden. The further downstream you go the gentler the gradient will become, causing slower currents and the deposition of more overburden. (The middle ranges of a river are the most popular with gold-dredgers, as the depth of the overburden rarely exceeds twenty feet.) If you venture further downstream towards the mouth of a river, the gradient becomes even gentler, and sometimes approaches a level plane. An example of this would be the point where a river empties into a large valley upon its emergence from mountainous terrain. The overburden at the mouth of a river often will be hundreds of feet in depth, completely beyond the reach of conventional suction dredges.

Gold is an extremely heavy metal, and when it enters a river channel, it will travel very grudgingly. Larger and heavier pieces of gold will always travel the path of least resistance in their journey downstream. Let us study this curious phenomenon as it is portrayed in Figure 18.

Let us assume that a very rich gold vein is cropping out on the side of a hill above the small gulley shown in the upper left portion of Figure 18. As the gold vein is eroded by the elements, the gold will be released from its quartz matrix and travel down the hill and enter the gulley; the gulley eventually pours its golden treasure into the drainage of River X.

The gold in our small gulley enters River X at Point A, and will rest at that location until sometime in the future when a major flood creates enough current to lift the gold from its resting place and start the downstream transportation process. When such a swift water period occurs, the gold will move from Point A across the river to the sharp inside bend at Point B. The transportation of gold in a river is simple to understand if you'll just remember this one basic fact - "Because of its weight, gold will travel downstream in a straight line following the shortest possible path from inside bend to inside bend." But back, now, to Fig 18.

At Point B you will notice there is a shaded area at the inside tip of the bend. This is a gravel bar, and it was formed at this location because the current of the stream slowed down when it rounded the inside bend of the curve. Whenever a stream current slows down, the river loses its power to transport the material it is carrying in suspension at times of flooding. In the case of the sharp inside bend at Point B, the current would slow considerably, causing larger boulders and heavy gravel componets to drop almost immediately: one of those heavy gravel componets would be gold.

After rounding the inside of the bend at Point B, our hypothetical gold nuggets would shoot across River X to the head of the next large gravel bar at Point C. Poin C is actually a long, arclike curve with a gentle inside bend, and in a case such as this the gold and other heavy materials would be deposited along the entire length of the curve.

After leaving Point C our nuggets will again shoot across the river, this time over to Point D. Upon traveling around this bend our gold encounters a series of curves whose inside bends form an exact straight line. In a case such as this, gold will travel the line between inside bends as if someone got out and marked a pathway with a straightedge. Our nuggets will touch PointsE, F, and G and then swinging around the latter bend and over to Point H where they will again accumulate; from here, they leave the scene once and for all. Study this illustration as well, friends, particularly the inside bends where deposits of heavy gravel material are indicated. Even though "River X" is purely fictitious, the depositional spots portrayed here are one hundred percent gunuine!

At this time i'd like to point out the gravel bars at the tips of inside bends aren't the only places for gold to be deposited. Placer gold and heavy gravels will accumulate any place where a stream current slackens. Examples would be at the tail end of rapids where currents change from swift to placid, the upper end of deep pools which often act as "gravel dumps," and places in a river canyon where the channel widens out upon emergence from "narrows." When you finally get around to visiting a genuine mountain gold stream, you'll undoubtedly spot many more depositionary areas yourself. The practice will do you good!

To search for dredging locations in areas where heavy stream materials have been deposited may sound like fun and games, but if you expect to find enough gold to make your mining efforts worthwhile, you will have to do much more than make a casual surveillance. just because you've found a nice, wide gravel bar or a deep, still pool doesn't mean you'll hit the proverbial jackpot. The gold you can expect to recover will depend upon the nature of the bedrock at the bottom of the deposit.

As placer gold is being carried downstream by the action of currents, the pieces of any substantial weight will gradually work their way downward through the overburden until they reach bedrock, which forms a solid, usually impenetrable obstacle to their further downward progress. Notice how I use the word usually. bedrock will act as an absolute base-level for gold's downward motion if it is smooth and uniform, but smooth bedrock will frequently give way to stretches containing crevices extending down into the rock "basement." Heavy pieces of gold moving downward through the overburden will find their way inot these crevices, and again start their downward movement until they have reached the absolute bottom. here they will stay, sometimes for thousands of years, unless a dredger with the proper knowlege comes along to recover them.

If the idea of a piece of gold staying in one crevice for thousands of years sounds somewhat "final," that's because it is. Once a heavy gold nugget gets lodged tightly in the bottom of a bedrock crevice, it will take a magnitude "ten" earthquake to uplift the bedrock enough so that the stream current can completely wash away the overburden and eventually wear away at the bare bedrock itself, thereby releasing the gold.

After you have located a section of river where heavy materials have been deposited, you should make a careful inspection of any visible bedrock for evidence of crevice structure. In general, bedrocks composed of slate-phyllite are most apt to develop crevices because of their "cleavage planes." In the case of slate-phyllite, cleavage is best defined as the tendancy of a rock to break off into "sheets." When slate-phyllite form the bedrock of a river, it will frequntly break off along its cleavage planes upon subjection to pounding from large boulders during times of flooding. When pieces of slate-phyllite bedrock break off, crevices that trap gold will remain between the sheets that still protrude. (Figure20)

Under certain conditions granite will act as a favorable bedrock, but all too often this very resistant rock will develop a "tabletop" polish that will allow even the heaviest of gold nuggets to wash right on over. If you desire to prospect in a granite area, look for "joints" where large blocks of this material come together; there will often be crevices at such points. (Figure21)

(i have to interject into the story here. in my own experince, granite will in most cases "decompose" under presure and crumble under the weight on the stream and overburden. the main bedrock in the areas of my claims are granite, and it is so soft you can suction directly nto the berock floor with no effort.REMEBER: when gold hits this sort of decomposed bedrock (granite) it will STILL continue to work its way down until it hits a piece thats not as soft. always remember to clean/cut decomposed bedrock until you get to the point where it is hardened . gold will work its way right down into this soft rock, and at first glance, the bedrock can look clean, but just under the surface there can be a large amount of gold..furthermore, i have actually found granite to be a "host rock" for gold on more than one occasion. we ran into an actual stringer of gold directly in the granite up out of another county.the saying is that generally,for gold to be present, quartz also must be. this is rule of thumb but not the exeption. i have found gold in granite,quartz,country rock,green rock, and a host of others....remeber that))

Another type of crevice that is particularly excellent for trapping gold is that which whenever a bedrock quartz vein erodes, leaving a jagged depression in the bedrock surface. (Figure22)

Bedrock quartz veins are often gold-bearing, and are the source for many gold-quartz nuggets still found in Western rivers to this date. This is a prize worth searching for!

A gold diver will often become excited upon discovery of a deep pothole in the bedrock of a river, but nine times out of ten these "glory holes" will turn out to be a complete Bust. Potholes are formed when complex currents cause heavy gravels and small boulders to spin around in small eddy-like motions, scouring deep holes in the bedrock. If a piece of gold falls into such a pothole (often referred to as a "boil hole"), it will most likely be ground up by the eddy action of the gravels. The fine, powdery gold that may once have been a beautiful specimen nugget before entering the pothole will now wash out with the current and continue its journey downstream.(Figure23-A)

But there are exceptions to every rule. If you should ever locate a pothole filled with large, coarse gravels packed in hard like cement, run - don't walk to the nearest available gold-dredge! You just might be onto one of those rare gold traps that was passed up by the original Gold Rushers back in the 1850's. Potholes of this nature have yeilded pounds of gold, particularly if they occur in jagged, pockety bedrock.(Figure23-B)

So far i've talked about crevices and potholes that extend down into the bedrock, but there are also gold traps that protrude from the bedrock surface. A good example of this would be a "dike" of hard, resistant rock material that originally intruded its way up into softer, surrounding rock that eventually became the bottom of a river canyon. Over a period of thousands of years, the pounding of boulders on the bottom of the stream channel wore away much of the soft country rock leaving the harder dikes protruding from the bedrock. (See Figures 24-A and B)

If the dike has a good slant against the direction of the stream current, heavy materials will catch under the resulting overhang on the upstream side of the dike(24-A); when the dike slants downstream; the resulting overhang will often act as a natural riffle and cause an eddy current to form. The crevice systems in a bedrock are most apt to catch and hold placer gold when they cut at angles perpendicular to the flow of the stream.(Figure 25)

The closer the angle approaches 90 degrees, the better. If you can locate slate-phyllite bedrock, for example, with cleavage planes that slant against the flow of the current while cutting the stream at 90 degrees, you have located the "gold divers dream." but at the same time don't overlook long, narrow crevices that run parallel with the streamflow - they, too, can hold bonanzas. The width of the parallel crevices will usually vary, going from narrow to wide, wide to narrow, etc. The point where the crevice narrows down from a wide portion is an exceedingly goog gold trap that is often overlooked buy the uninitiated. The same will hold true for crevices that wander across at irregular angles, such as forty-five degrees.(Figure 26)

It is a common misconception among many beginning gold-dregers that if they vacuum their way down to bedrock and lay it bare, they can pick up the nuggets with their fingers. Unfortunately, this is not the case. True, there will often be small flakes of gold occuring on the bedrock surface, but larger nuggets will almost always be lodged tightly into the crevice structure. The only way of recovering all the gold from a given section of bedrock is to pry the crevices open and scrape them clean. (The recovery of gold from an underwater crevice is a fine art, and there is actually much more to it than I've mentioned here).

Rivers that flow through mountainous terrain rarely, if ever, have a free and easy pathway to follow on their long and eventual journey to a valley or sea. From star to finish, the channel of a mountain steam will resist the smooth flow of water by presenting one obstacle after another. An op-the-spot inspection of a mountain river will reveal such features as monstrous boulders, sections of bedrock jutting into the stream as if to choke off its life flow, perhaps even waterfalls that plunge dozens of feet into dark, mysterious pools below. In spite ofits chaotic appearence, everything is in perfect order in a mountain streamflow environment, and we will have to study it for what it is - obstructions and all.

The most common obtruction to prevent the smooth flow of water in a mountainous river channel is the common boulder. Boulders come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from minor nuisances a foot or two across all the way up to gigantic masses of rock the size of a bungalow. Boulders that fall between these two extremes deserve the attention of the underwater prospector, because they will often concentrate huge amounts of gold near their bases - particularly if they rest on bedrock. Strange things happen when the gold-carrying flood current of a river encounters a large boulder. lets study Figure 27 to get the story.

In this hypothetical situation we have a large, somewhat rounded boulder in the middle of a stream that is at the height of its yearly flood stage. The current is flowing at a frightening clip, and we surely wouldn't want to fall in at this time! As the swift current slams into the upstream side of the boulder, it is deflected around the outside perimeter due to the roundness of the rock mass. When the current "rounds the corner" and approaches the downstream side of the boulder, it will start to circulate in an eddy motion around the rear of the boulder and practically stand still. If the stream current happens to be transporting gold, the heavy yellow metal will be carried along the perimeter of the boluder to eventually settle in the still waters on the downstream side. It is possible for gold to be trapped on the uptream side of a boulder, but usually there will have to be a substantial fissure in the face of the rock mass to catch the gold as it is impaled against the boulder by the current. Boulders often have yeilded large amounts of gold to the dredger who diligently cleans them down to the base, but which boulders, specifically, are most apt to hold the golden treasure? The answer is simple - look for large boulders in mid-stream that obstruct the flow of current as it travels from inside bend to inside bend. (Figure 2

As we already know, gold tends to travel from the tip of one inside bend to the other, but if there is an obstruction in the current flow as it shoots between bends (namely a boulder), some of the heavier gold will never make it to the inside of the next bend. Always keep an eye out for this type of condition, and check the downstream side of any large boulders that appear to be in the correct position. One of the best of all possible spots for the depostion of placer gold will be an accumulation of large boulders at a point where a stream channel widens.

In the upper part of Figure 29, the river is traveling through an extremely narrow gap , a channel condition which causes currents to flow at tremendous speeds. The water is so swift it even carries large boulders which don't get a chance to settle in the narrows. As soon as the stream emerges from the narrows, the large boulders will drop immediately at the beginning of the widening. If you really want to find a potential "super-spot", check the gravel on the downstream sides of boulders such as this.

Boulders are not the only objects to obstruct stream channels to the advantage of the gold-dredger. Another very favorable location will be an area where a large section of bedrock protrudes out into a stream, causing an eddy current to circulate around the outcropping. Whenever a chunk of bedrock sticks out into a river on an angle slanting with the current, an eddy will circulate on the downstream side of the obstruction causing a buildup of heavy material. This type of eddy is called a suction eddy. (Figure 30-A)

If the current flowing across the face of a downstream-slanted bedrock outcrop is feirce enough, it will sometimes shoot across the stream and cause an eddy to circulate around an object on the opposite bank; this condition is known as a pressure eddy. (Figure30-B) The nature of bedrock outcroppings that protrude into a channel against the flow of the current is tricky, and one would almost have to see the river in question at the height of its flood stage to get an idea of where the eddy currents will form. An outcropping that protrudes far out into the current (as shown in Figure 31-A) will most likely catch the current on the outermost projection of the bedrock and cause an eddy to swirl in toward the shore. The spot indicated by the "X" would be a possible depositionary area. If the outcropping is only a minor projection into the flow of the current (Figure 31-B), any number of things can happen. The stream current can bypass the projection entirely, it can partially flow against the outcrop with the major part running out toward the middle of the channel, or the major protion can flwo against the outcrop and circulate in a "half-eddy," floshing the material in suspension back out into the middle of the stream. Now you can uderstand why I say an on-the-spot inspection of an upstrea-slanted bedrock outcropping is a virtual necessity!

Every so often you hear stories about how a gold-dredger recovered a fabulous amount of gold from the base of a waterfall. Before you start getting "waterfall happy," let's set the record straight once and for all. The average waterfall - -if it is of any substantial height - Creates downward currents of extreme ferocity and will tend to carve a deep, turbulent biol hole right at it's base. (See Figure 32)

Nine times out of ten, any gold coming over the falls will drop into this boil hole to be ground up into flakes that will soon wash out with the current. So in this sense, anyway, waterfalls should be avoided when your out looking for dredging spots. But as we have seen many times during the course of this text there are exceptions to every rule, and in this case the exception is a humdinger.

Every so often a waterfall will flow over a layer of extremely hard, weather-resistant rock that overlays softer rock beneath. As water goes over the falls, it will cause the underlying softer rock to erode back under the upper layer of harder material. This will create a kind if "cave" under the falls. (Figure 33)

If the cave happens to be below the water line at the time of flodding, a powerful eddy current may develop which will occasionally (and I do emphasize the word occasionally) cause heavy materials to swirl back into the cave and become entrapped. There have been a number of fabulously rich dredging finds taken from such locations, but you could count the grand total on the fingers of one hand. Even so, it will pay you to take no chances....investigate!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 04:30:37 AM by admin »


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Re: closed tunnel found in davao del sur needs help
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 10:35:29 PM »


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Re: closed tunnel found in davao del sur needs help
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 10:37:03 PM »


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Re: closed tunnel found in davao del sur needs help
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2010, 10:38:37 PM »


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Re: closed tunnel found in davao del sur needs help
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 10:40:05 PM »

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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 04:31:19 AM »

This is excellent info so that's why I made it into it's own topic now.


Offline Janner

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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2010, 04:37:51 AM »
Now this is what its all about,
good presentation, lots of facts and pictures and sketches to back up the written texts.

and about time to.....

well done!


Offline exodus_guy2009

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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2010, 07:34:23 PM »
Very impressive post ang galing mo brow

Offline Boyet

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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2010, 05:14:43 AM »
Sir Ben,
very informative, i like it. Thanks.


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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2010, 10:46:01 PM »
More to those whose interested to know the basics of mining.
Be a master miner first, master first the art of mining..., then you can also be that intellectual, intuitive, analytical and ultimately a successful treasure hunter!

second of a series.,

During the Group Mining Projects  we conduct , I always like to start by discussing the most important and fundamental ingredient in successful gold mining. That basic ingredient is you, yourself!

You are the one who makes decisions for yourself. You decided to get into mining in the first place. You also make the decisions on how you are going to approach gold mining, and how you are going to deal with all of the problems and the barriers to your success. Regardless of suggestions or input you receive from others, you make the final decisions on what you are going to do-no matter what they are.

The main problem in gold mining is in overcoming unknowns. Until you find them, you do not usually know where the good gold deposits are located. If it were really easy, all the gold would already be gone. The fact that so much gold is being recovered by small-scale miners today proves it was not easy to find in the first place. Otherwise, the old-timers would have found it all!

True, it is much easier for us now than it was for them. We have low-cost modern equipment they never even dreamed of! Accessibility to gold-bearing areas is excellent. We have new technology as well as the benefit of the technology developed by the old-timers. We also have historical information that directs us to the proven gold-bearing locations. The old-timers had it much more difficult than we do. But, it is still not that easy. When you get out into the field, you are mainly faced with not knowing where the gold is! And, this is where it comes down to you and your ability to overcome problems and the unknown.

Gold mining procedure is very simple. And there is an enormous amount of gold still accessible to the small-scale miner. The problem you face is not knowing exactly where it is. It can be six inches beneath where you're standing or where you are digging, and you will have no idea it is there for sure until you find it!

You live by every decision you make. If you decide in your own mind there is no gold in an area or on a claim, you are probably not going to prospect that area, unless you change your mind. It is important to avoid making decisions that are not based upon solid observation. A miner on any scale must be an investigator, a hound dog on a tricky trail. Good investigators never rule out possibilities before their time.

Successful gold mining is generally done in two steps: First is sampling or prospecting, and then, production.

While some gold-bearing creeks and rivers tend to have gold values dispersed throughout their entire streambeds, there is generally not enough gold to make a small-scale mining operation payoff very well. Because we are limited as to how much gravel we can process as small-scale miners, we need to find higher-grade deposits. This means we need to look for them, and this is where sampling comes in.

When my partners and I first started gold dredging, we made the mistake of putting our dredge into a likely spot and dredging in that same location for about 30 days, even though we were not getting very much gold. We had in our minds that we had to keep going because we just might uncover a bonanza at any time. While that may have been possible, we would have had to be very lucky to find a rich deposit this way.

Because gold is so heavy -- about six times heavier than other average materials found in a streambed, such as rock, sand and silt --it tends to follow a certain path when being moved in a river. This path generally runs from inside bend to inside bend (when the waterway is running at flood stage), and in a meandering line between the bends. Gold deposits are sometimes found elsewhere, but the statistics of history show that most recovered deposits have been located along these paths.

This is a very important bit of information; it provides you with a good idea of where to start your sampling. You can rule out about 90% of the riverbed at the start, and concentrate your sampling efforts along the path where you are most likely to locate an acceptable gold deposit.

Let's define a few basics: "Bedrock" is the solid hard rock of the earth's crust--like a cliff or like the solid rock you see in highway road-cuts through the mountains. "Streambed" consists of all of the rocks, sand, silt, gold, and other sediments that end up in the bottom of a creek or river. Streambed always lies on top of bedrock. A "lode" gold deposit is gold that is still locked up in solid rock, often contained in quartz veins. "Placer" gold deposits are created after erosion has broken the gold away from the lode and deposited it elsewhere. There are different kinds of placer deposits. The difference primarily has to do with how far away from the original lode the gold has traveled.

Placer Geology

Hidden irregularities on the bedrock channel of a river can change where the gold path runs. So, until you locate the gold path, you are never certain where it is going to be. But inside bend to inside bend (during flood stage), and a meandering line between inside bends, is a good place to start your sampling. I have seen some gold paths located off this line, so you have to be flexible. But this is what sampling is all about. Sampling is done by digging or dredging test holes in different locations, comparing one against the next, establishing where the better results are coming from, and following those positive signs until you locate an acceptable deposit.

Most gold-bearing rivers have a certain amount of low-grade gold values dispersed throughout the gravel. The general gold path tends to have more gold along it than the average gravel throughout the rest of the river. You also generally find more iron and other heavy elements along the gold path.

When making test holes, keep track of the amount of iron, iron objects, and gold that you recover from each hole. After you have completed a number of holes, you will start to get an idea of the average gold values and other heavy materials in the riverbed. Then, when you turn up more than the average amount in a test hole, it is a sign that you have located the gold path. Sometimes, there is little visible increase in gold, but there is a visible increase in the amount of iron rocks, pieces of lead, and old rusty objects.

There is a certain amount of microscopic-sized gold moving downstream in some rivers at all times. However, gold that is large enough for us to recover with our small-scale mining equipment generally does not move in a riverbed to a large extent, except during major flood storms. Storms of this magnitude are able to generate enough water force and turbulence to get all or most of the streambed material flowing down the riverbed along with the water.

Because gold is so heavy, when being washed downstream, it quickly works its way to the bottom of the other materials being washed along with it. The gold also moves more slowly. Cracks, crevices, holes and barriers in the bedrock can trap the gold out of the flow of water and material. And of course, this happens much more along the general gold path than off of it.

Gold deposits along the general gold path can be small or large, depending upon the size of the gold trap. The most important type of gold trap in river mining is called the "pay-streak". Pay-streaks always form along the gold path where the river's flow slows down on a large scale during a major flood storm. One example is the tail end of an inside bend in a river. Centrifugal force places most of the water pressure to the outside of the bend, leaving a low-pressure (low-velocity) area at the tail end of the inside bend. This is a very common location in gold-bearing rivers to find pay-streaks.

Another example is where the river slows down after a long stretch of faster water. Anywhere along the general gold path where the river slows down on a large scale during a major flood storm is a likely spot to find pay-streaks.

Pay-streaks are important because they are large deposits as opposed to smaller, single-type deposits--like what you might find in a bedrock crevice along the general gold path. The size and richness of a pay-streak depends upon the size of the low-pressure (low-velocity) area created in the river, and on how much gold traveled through that section of the river during the flood storms which formed the deposit.

Most pay-streaks have definite left and right outside boundaries, meaning the gold tends to run out quickly once you get outside the pay-streak. Sometimes upstream and downstream boundaries are not so easy to distinguish. Varying water flow turbulence during major storms can sometimes make a pay-streak somewhat inconsistent. It may appear to be good for a while, bad for a while, and then good again, but the outside left and right boundaries tend to hold true most of the time.

Because pay-streaks have some size to them, they are much easier to find than single-type deposits while sampling. Most successful river miners use the following technique to locate and recover pay-streaks: First, locate a proven gold producing section of the river. By digging or dredging sample holes, locate the main gold path. More sample holes are continued along the path until a pay-streak is located.

This method is generally used whether the operation uses gold dredges in the river, sluices, or even heavy equipment up on the bank. Since the bank consists of older streambeds left high and dry, you are just as likely to find pay-streaks on the bank, or in the ancient streambeds further away, as you are in the river itself. If you are able to find acceptable amounts of gold in a riverbed and you want to find more, look upstream and downstream along the same line of flow in the riverbed. Keep in mind the direction water and material would be moving in a major storm. Gold generally will have moved in the same direction as the water flow.

The point about locating a proven gold-producing section of river is really important! You can save yourself a lot of time and energy by finding out where other miners are already doing well. If somebody has located a pay-streak, there will almost always be more pay-streaks in that general area of the river.

Investigation to locate proven areas, and communication with local successful miners to find out where deposits have been located, can save a great deal of sampling time. All of the really successful small-scale miners I know make it their business to stay updated on who is finding deposits and where.

The overall process of successful mining is quite simple. We have it down to a science, having taken most of the chance out of it. Gold travels and deposits along special lines. A knowledgeable, energetic, persistent sampling effort is assured of always finding the next pay-streak.

Sound simple? It isn't that easy! This is because you never know where the next deposit is or how long it is going to take to find it. And, this is why it always comes back down to that important, fundamental ingredient, which is you!

You are the one who decides where to put your sample holes, how large to make them, and how long to continue them. You are also the one who evaluates the test results and has to decide what to do next. You have to decide, based upon your sampling results and the other information you have collected, whether a certain section of river deserves further sampling activity or if you should move on to another location. Every decision you make is a crossroads that will directly affect the final outcome.

It is important to realize that how much gold you get from your mining activity depends entirely on you and what you decide to do. A good miner is an investigator who tracks down where the gold is coming from, and diligently works his or her way right into it. How good you are does not depend upon how much time you have spent at it in the past. It depends upon how much you really want to succeed and how willing you are to hustle yourself into a deposit.

Do it with Enthusiasm!

I know of quite a few people who have discovered rich gold deposits in their first season. I also know a lot of guys who have been at it for years, and still cannot seem to find acceptable deposits for themselves. Why is this? They are not sticking to the right procedure. They are making the wrong decisions, and, a lot of the time, they are (deciding to) giving up too easily.

Again, the main problem is not knowing. So, based on the information you do have, you are constantly being put to the test, having to decide if the gold is likely to be in a certain area or if it is more likely not to be.

People who have the most trouble in gold mining are the ones who give up too easily. You need to give your sample holes a little more time and effort than they deserve, but without overdoing it. This is a matter of judgment which gets a little easier with experience. It's always going to be a challenge, though; because you don't know if the gold is going to be there right up until the point when you find it!

Once you find a good deposit, it is easy to see why it is located there, and you will also see how easy it was to find. But when it runs out, you are right back to not knowing where the next one is going to be. Gold mining is always an emotional challenge.

The problem most people have with mining and sampling has little to do with judgment in sampling. It has to do with other basic decisions they have already made concerning their own personal success. It is very difficult to help someone become a successful miner when that person has already decided he or she is not going to do very well at it. Some people work at it just a little bit, and then give up on their sample holes long before they are completed. You cannot find gold deposits this way unless you are awfully lucky. This is good food for thought for everyone.

Some people get into gold mining as a get-rich-quick solution to other problems they have created in their lives. Any person who is giving up or quitting in their personal life hasn't much chance of succeeding at gold mining!

If you are not finding enough gold, you cannot blame the claim, the river,  or anything else. Blaming an outside source might make your ego feel better, but it will not help you locate more gold. You are either getting it, or you are not. Blaming anyone or anything else is going in the wrong direction. The answer is to become effective, communicate with other miners to find out where the gold is coming from, and then get busy with your sampling. If you want to do well in gold mining, you have to make it happen!

And, if you are not sure if you have given a sample hole everything it deserves, be honest with yourself about it and give it a little more. It takes personal discipline to be a good sampler!

This is not to say that gold mining cannot be fun. It is a great outdoor activity no matter how much gold you find while you are prospecting for high-grade deposits. Once you get involved though, you will find it is more fun if you are finding more gold! If you are looking for challenge in your life, if you want to put yourself to the real test, then gold mining is just the thing for you!

When you are producing sample holes and not finding acceptable amounts of gold, when you are not sure where the gold might be, and you are not sure exactly how to deal with it, that is when you are put to the real personal test. This is when you have the opportunity to see who you really are and where your personal improvement lies. There is not a successful miner alive who does not have to deal with this on a continuing basis! This is why it always comes back to you. If you are strong enough to pull yourself through it, you will learn to sample, enjoy new thrills, and attain personal achievement and growth, not to mention the gold you will find.

There is much, much more to know about the business of sampling, which we will continue to cover in future articles. But we have covered the most important and fundamental ingredient here. If you can get yourself squared away with the right attitude, and approach mining with a stiff upper lip and the eye of a tiger, you will have no trouble figuring out the rest!

Don't quit!


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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2010, 11:10:18 PM »


There are few things in the world more enjoyable -- and more exciting -- than finding your own pay-streaks, particularly when they are rich! It is one thing if someone else turns you onto a previously-located deposit -- which, by the way, you should always take when it is offered to you. It is much more emotionally satisfying when you locate a rich deposit by following the signs discovered by your own sampling program. Seeing the first flakes of gold uncovered, when you knew they were going to be there even before you saw them, is a wonderful feeling; it is a true thrill to follow those flakes into a rich deposit. There is nothing else like it! Some say there is no cure for gold fever.

The procedure for finding pay-streaks is quite simple, really. The key is having the emotional fortitude to follow through with your sampling procedure, by following up on positive signs if they are there. And remember, you don't need to find a pay-streak in every sample hole. Otherwise, sampling would not be necessary. You only need to find a pay-streak once in a while to make mining pay off -- on any scale.

As we discussed in part one, pay-streaks form in those sections of a riverbed where the water force slows down on a large scale during major flood storms. Because gold is so much heavier than other average streambed material in the river, particles, flakes and nuggets of gold tend to collect in these large, slower-moving sections of river, while the lighter materials continue to be washed downstream.

Pay-streaks can be large or small, depending upon the size of the low pressure (low velocity) area in the river and depending upon how much gold traveled through each particular area during major flood storms.

Pay-streaks always form on the path that gold follows in the river. Sometimes there may be more than one gold path, because the gold may be originating in the river from several different sources.

Pay-streaks are very important to miners because they are larger than single-type deposits, such as those found in a bedrock crevice along the gold path. Therefore, pay-streaks are easier to find. Because they tend to be long and wide, pay-streaks are deposits which can be worked usually for quite some time.

Gold can be recovered from a pay-streak which is located on bedrock; it can also be found throughout the streambed material or on the top of a flood layer.

It is important to understand what flood layers are. They are separate strata of streambed, which were laid down by different storms or perhaps at different periods during the same storm. The various layers are usually very easy to distinguish from one other. Each has different colors and consistency, and the gravels are usually of different compact hardness. If you are looking for it, you can nearly always see the changes in flood layers as you dig or dredge a sample hole deeper into the streambed. Sometimes there is only one layer over the bedrock. Often there are two or more layers.

Placer Geology

As we discussed in part one, gold is extremely heavy. Therefore, most gold travels along the bottom of the other suspended streambed material as it is being washed downriver during a major flood storm. If the material is washing down across bedrock, then gold can become trapped in the various irregularities, cracks and holes. Sometimes, if conditions allow, gold may even be deposited on top of smooth bedrock to form a pay-streak in a low pressure area of the river.

Sometimes, because the flood storm is not quite extreme enough to break up pre-existing hard-packed streambeds, material moving during a storm will wash over the top of already-established streambed layers, rather than across the bedrock. Therefore, newly-formed pay-streaks may be found on top of pre-existing streambed layers, rather than on bedrock.

It is very common to find pay-streaks on top of a streambed layer. Sometimes you can find pay-streaks on top of several different layers in the same location. Sometimes, you can find pay-streaks on a layer, but not on the bedrock in the same location.

Most gold-bearing rivers have some amount of gold disbursed throughout the streambed material, so you tend to recover a small amount of gold out of each sample hole. We call this "traces." This usually is not very much gold; not enough to get very excited about and not enough to support a small-scale mining operation. It only takes a few sample holes to give you an idea of the average amount of gold that is disbursed in the general streambed. You can pretty-much expect to get this small amount of gold from each sample hole that you dredge or dig. If you recover more gold from a sample hole than is showing up in the average streambed, it is important to realize you are onto something -- even if it is not exciting, yet.

Remember, sampling is the business of following positive signs into a pay-streak. When you are finding increased amounts of gold in an area, it is likely that you are onto the general gold path, and you are into a low pressure area of some magnitude. You may be very close to an excellent deposit.

So the first thing to do, once you start finding increased amounts of gold in a sample hole, is figure out exactly where it is coming from. Is it coming from a layer? This is really important to know.

Several years ago, I had a friend who was recovering  (1/10th of an ounce) of gold per day with a 4-inch dredge, dredging in four feet of streambed material. He had been trained in the old school of thought, which says you always dredge to bedrock, no matter what. I jumped into his hole one day and noticed almost immediately that a lot of his gold was coming off the top of a flood layer which was located about six inches beneath the material's surface. Investigating further, I found there was some gold coming off the bedrock, but it was not very much. About 95% of his gold was coming off that layer. Once I pointed it out, he began to just skim off the top foot of material, and he started recovering about five times as much gold. This is why it is important it is to establish exactly where the gold is coming from in a sample hole!

If you dig a sample hole through deep material and only find a marginal amount of gold, the location might still be worth working if you discover that the gold is coming from a layer change closer to the surface.

When I am dredging a sample hole and see a change in layers, I always slow down and uncover a section off the top of the new layer while careful1y looking for gold. If there is a substantial amount of gold on the layer, it is never hard to see if you are looking for it. All you have to do is hold the suction nozzle further away from the streambed material so there is just enough suction to pull the gravel, but not enough to pull the gold, which is about six times heavier. Underwater magnification makes the gold very easy to see. But you have to be looking for these changes in layers, and you need to slow down and look on top of them as they are being uncovered.

The gold is more difficult to see if you are digging up on the bank. In this case, layer changes can be sampled separately with the use of your gold pan or other recovery equipment.

Seeing an increase in the amount of gold in a sample hole, even if it is just a small increase, is one of the most important signs to recognize in sampling. You would not see the increase if you were not on the general gold path and on or near a low pressure location in the river. Seeing an increase in gold is always reason to investigate that location further, either by spreading the hole in different directions to see if it gets better, or by digging or dredging more sample holes in the immediate area. You should be acting like a dog who has found a nice, juicy scent!

As mentioned in part one, one of the biggest barriers new miners need to overcome is their own doubtful thoughts about how much gold they are not going to find in a sampling location. Many beginners have themselves talked out of finishing a sampling project long before they have properly completed it! Forget what you think might not be there, and just work hard to see what actually is there. This is what sampling is all about!

Time and time again, I have seen beginning miners start a sampling project, start recovering some gold which is not enough for their minimum requirements, but is far greater than the average amount of gold in the river; and then give the area up because it is not good enough. Afterwards, someone else will open up the same location a little more and find a rich pay-streak. Yet, the original miners are still sampling elsewhere, not having found a pay-streak of their own. Short of finding an acceptable pay-streak, a visible increase in the amount of gold recovered from a sample hole is the best sign you can look for. Don't walk away from it until you are more than certain it is just a low-grade pay-streak which you have no interest in.

There is something mystical in the way gold affects people. This has been known for a long time. How much gold a person is finding, or not finding, definitely affects his or her emotions. Successful miners have learned to set the negative emotional impact aside and to use effective sampling techniques and hard work instead.

It has been well proven throughout history that gold is much easier to lose than it is to find. And, no doubt, men have walked away from more gold deposits than they have found due to the way they were emotionally affected by the results of their sampling operations.

I know of one man who dredged a sample hole and was recovering four-to-five coinweights of gold per day. He spent a day pushing the hole towards the bank and discovered that someone had been there with a dredge ahead of him. He spent a day pushing the hole to the right and found the bedrock going deeper, but the gold was getting a little better and the pieces bigger. He decided the area was too difficult and not paying well enough, and went to sample elsewhere before he even came close to defining what kind of pay-streak he had located. What causes a person to give up so easily when the signs are so good? Why walk away from a location with fantastic signs to go sample a new location where you have not yet discovered any positive signs? The answer has to do with the way gold affects people's emotions, and the fact that it is much easier to lose than it is to find!

There is an excellent lesson to learn from this: Watch for an increase in the amount of gold in your sample holes. Leave your negative emotions out of it. Follow up positive signs when you see them -- always. Have some patience, and positive signs will lead you into the pay-streaks.


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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2010, 11:15:33 PM »
second and 3rd series were lifted from the basics of successful gold mining by Dave Mc cracken

attachments were not accepted why?
tried to attach illustrations n pics but it falters.


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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 11:21:04 PM »
4th of a series


You would think that sampling could end once you've found a pay-streak. Because, once you've found a pay-streak, you start your production operation to recover the gold. However, sampling continues on, possibly even to a greater degree, even after you've located a rich deposit.

When you locate a deposit that you have determined is good enough to work, your next step is to define your deposit's boundaries. This takes more sampling. It is generally done by dredging or digging more sample holes. The first and most important boundary you should find, especially if you are dredging, is the lower-end, meaning the downstream-end of the pay-streak. This is because you need to find a place to drop your tailings where they will not end up on top of your gold deposit.

In mining activities of any kind, tailings placement is of primary concern right from the beginning of the operation. You generally do not worry about it too much during sampling, because you have not determined there is a deposit in the immediate location as yet. But as soon as you are certain there is a deposit worth developing, where you place your tailings becomes very important!

In dredging, providing you are going to have the time to develop the entire deposit, you usually back your dredge further down river, dredging sample holes as you go, to locate where the deposit plays out. It is then smart to dredge a few more sample holes below this point to make sure the deposit really did play out where you will put your tailings. Then, start dredging from the tail-end of the deposit, dropping your tailings over the area that you have already worked.

As you work the deposit forward, you also must locate the left and right boundaries of the deposit. This also requires your sampling attention, only in a different way. Rather than dredge or dig sample holes, pay close attention to how much gold you are recovering while continuing to move your production hole in the direction of each side of the deposit. In dredging, if you are into a healthy deposit, you will see gold when you uncover the strata of streambed material where it is located.

Placer Geology

As I mentioned in the earlier parts of this series, when you find gold in a sample hole, the first thing to do is establish where it is coming from. Is it from the contact zones between streambed layers or is it coming off the bedrock? This also applies to production mining. You need to know where the gold is coming from  so you can watch that particular strata of streambed material closely to make sure it is still paying as you move your production hole forward and toward the left and right side boundaries of the deposit.

In dredging, if it is a good pay-streak, when the paying strata is uncovered, you can actually see the gold if you slow down and look. You will also see the gold disappear once you extend beyond the boundaries of your pay-streak. It is standard practice to slow down and watch your pay strata closely when production dredging. By following this procedure, you will continue to dredge up pay-dirt with a minimum of non-paying material. This means that the job of sampling never really ends, even when you are mining a good pay-streak; especially when mining a good pay-streak!

When digging, as in high-banking, you cannot depend as much on seeing your gold as you dig in the pay strata, so it can be necessary to clean-up your recovery system more frequently to make sure you are still mining in a section of the gold deposit. You can also sample the pay strata with a gold pan on a regular basis to make sure it is still paying in sufficient quantities.

The idea behind a production operation is to mine all of the deposit, while mining as little of the non-paying material outside the deposit as possible. However, you cannot always directly see where the deposit plays out. So you must be constantly watching how well the deposit is paying and where it seems to play out. This can sometimes be difficult to do; because some pay-streaks are not entirely consistent. For example, a non-visible obstruction or change in the bedrock upstream can cause an entire section of pay-streak deposit to boil out and give you the false impression of a boundary--when there might be an even richer section of the pay-streak several feet beyond where it apparently plays out! This has happened to me a number of times when I discovered further upstream that the pay-streak was wider than I thought. Then I had to drop back and pick up what I had missed on my first pass.

Keeping these thoughts in mind, just do your best to figure out what the deposit is doing as you follow it. Every once in a while, it is important to devote some time and energy continuing to sample beyond the apparent boundaries of the pay-streak to make sure you are not missing anything important.

Short of actually finding a rich pay-streak, finding an increase in the amount of gold in a sample hole is the best sign to look for while testing. Finding an increase in gold means more sampling is a good idea in the immediate area.

In the same way, finding a rich pay-streak means much more sampling is justified in that immediate area--especially beyond the apparent boundaries of the pay-streak you are working. This sampling is best done as you move forward, before you start dumping your tailings in that location.

Another important thing is to determine for yourself how much gold you actually need to recover on a daily basis to make it worth your while to work the deposit. Sometimes there is a big difference between what a person says he or she must recover and what a person will accept in order to remain in a deposit. You should be honest with yourself about this. If you need to recover five pennyweight a day, then you should not be production mining in a deposit which is paying only one pennyweight a day, unless you have some reason to believe it is going to improve right away. Also, if five pennyweight a day is your acceptable level, you should discipline yourself to mine the lower-grade gravel on the boundary-edge of a pay-streak if it is paying this much or more, no matter how much more the higher-grade section of the gold deposit is paying.

Some pay-streaks have a richer portion in the center or along one edge, and a lower-grade section throughout the remainder, which still may be high-grade enough to work by your own standards. Yet, you will find yourself much more interested in recovering the gold out of the rich section, because it is more exciting as you uncover all that gold. It takes personal discipline to work all of the acceptable portions of the pay-streak, when only one portion is extremely high-grade. I have seen many deposits (some of them my own) wasted by miners moving forward, dredging only the high-grade, while dumping tailings on the lower grade--but still acceptable--portions of the pay-streak. We all learn through hard-won experience just how valuable pay-streaks are once they are located, and how important it is to production-mine them in a disciplined and orderly manner, wasting as little as possible

There is an old maxim which always seems to be true: If you are looking for easy gold, go where others have already found it, and look beneath the area in which they started laying down their tailings! People get so excited when first discovering a deposit, they usually don't think much about what they are dumping their tailings on top of until it is far too late!

The main point I have been trying to make here is that sampling really never ends. When you are not in a deposit, you will find yourself sampling to find one. When you find one, if you are wise, you will constantly sample to keep yourself within the boundaries of the deposit. Then, you'll need to sample again to find another pay-streak in the immediate area once the first one runs out. Sampling basically is your procedure to acquire the necessary perception of where the gold is so you can recover as much as possible for your efforts. This is why you want to be good at it.

Don't quit!


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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2010, 11:21:54 PM »
second and 3rd series were lifted from the basics of successful gold mining by Dave Mc cracken

attachments were not accepted why?
tried to attach illustrations n pics but it falters.

there is small problem about the attachment or photos attachment... :D we will just wait the update of Tony..

Raqz ;)
:) : Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together..:)


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Re: The Science of Stream Deposition
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2010, 11:23:54 PM »
